Tuesday 16 January 2007

Porcupine Tree - Lightbulb Sun

One of the best tracks on the album is the brilliantly titled "Four Chords That Made a Million," a barbed cut on some unnamed "emperor in new clothes" beset by a "moron with a cheque book." The lead riff is a majestic hit of flange and feedback, while the hints of sitar and Indian percussion give the song even more attractive heft. But there's a definite bent towards calmer art pop throughout Lightbulb Sun -- those who preferred the sheer surge of Stupid Dream will find this album tamer in comparison. Still, it's hard to resist the beautiful, understated tension about a fractured friendship or relationship on "Feel So Low" or the gentle, string-touched roll and build of "The Rest Will Flow," flat out two of Wilson's best tunes anywhere. Those who prefer the lengthy explorations won't be disappointed, though -- "Hatesong" unfolds its sharp message over eight minutes and then the string-swept, slow time explosion of "Russia on Ice" over 13. Slyest title of the bunch -- "Last Chance to Leave the Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled," which samples the videotape made by the leader of the Heaven's Gate cult before its mass suicide in 1997.


skylark said...

Thanks for this, but may I please have the password??

Anonymous said...

yes - the password for Porcupine Tree, Lightbulb Sun would be lovely

brunomilan said...

can you write the password for porcupine tree


bruno, from argentina

rockgenie said...

Hey guys try this:

it worked? Thanks for visiting my blog:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, Vato ;)