Saturday 14 April 2007

Kaiser Chiefs - Yours Truly Angry Mob

Whereas the Chiefs were out carousing in the pubs on their debut, Employment, this record finds them largely hung-over and reflective, with the quintet even going so far as to title Yours Truly Angry Mob's moody closing track "Retirement." Although there are energetic moments here--most notably, the catchy, synth-laden lead single "Ruby"--nothing approaches the gleeful furor of "I Predict a Riot" or "Na Na Na Na Naa." Providing an integral thread from Employment is renowned producer Stephen Street, who, having worked with the Smiths and Blur, proves to be adept at balancing lively anthems with melancholy numbers. In fact, AngryMob serves to reinforce the Chiefs' Blur comparisons, with frontman Ricky Wilson often bringing to mind a scrappy young Parklife-era Damon Albarn in spirit, if not in voice. Though some Kaiser fans may be put off by the less-than-giddy proceedings, the more introspective approach suits the group surprisingly well, making for a mature and intriguing second outing. (Idiot Chiefs)

1 comment:

rockgenie said...
