Friday 4 January 2008

Rogue Wave - Descended Like Vultures

On its second Sub Pop album, Descended Like Vultures, the San Francisco quartet Rogue Wave makes a notable departure from its debut, Out Of The Shadow. While the earlier disc has an airy, lo-fi sound that's enhanced by subtle electronics, much of Vultures is amped-up indie-rock bolstered by dense arrangements. "Publish My Love" features alternately chiming and driving surges of guitars, while "10:1" careens along on layered keyboard lines and a propulsive beat. Frontman Zach Rogue often sounds like a less troubled younger brother of Elliott Smith, particularly on the record's mellower moments, including the folk-tinged "California" and the dreamy "You." Although Rogue Wave fans may initially be perplexed by Vultures, the album reveals a more ambitious aspect of the band, and repeated listens reveal its many charms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...